Easy to Use, Power-Packed Features for Delightful Video Experience

Deliver the perfect streaming experience with cutting-edge features.

Drag and Drop Video upload

Upload your videos with a simple drag and drop action.

Multiple Media Format Support

Support for all major video formats such as Mp4, avi, mp3, MPEG-DASH, H.265 codec, and H.264 codec.

Video Transcoding

Get your videos streamed on all platforms and devices.

Bulk Import & Export

Process videos in bulk, save time and boost productivity.

Video Scheduling

Get your videos published automatically with video scheduling.

Media Library

Maintain your entire media at one place effortlessly.

Upload Custom Thumbnails

Choose a thumbnail of your choice. Get it displayed in your video.

Video Marketing

Promote your videos with the most buzzing tools and strategy.

Centralized VOD Platform to Monetize any Business Model

Generate 10x Revenue from your videos; use multiple earning options at once.

Subscription Video on Demand

Start your earning adventure with Subscription Video On Demand (SVOD) revenue model. Customize prices as per your preferences and provide an unlimited digital library to your subscribers.

Advertising Video On Demand

Run ads on your videos and earn money every time your viewers stream them. You can also choose whether to place the ad in the beginning, middle, or end. Keep the cash flow running and recurring.

Transactional Video on Demand

Categorize exclusive and more premium content under TVOD and increase your earning potential. This way, you can offer premium content to your subscribers and propel your growth targeting the niche.


Let your fans shower some love by making donations; hear some more dollars clanking together! They can fund your ambitions. Wait, that’s not it – You can monetize your live streams too!

Bulk Video Series

Bundle the same kind of videos together and sell them in bulk. Let the audience interested in a particular theme pay for your bulk video series and give them the liberty to view at their own pace, anytime.

In-Depth Insights About Your Videos’ Performance

Get a detailed report on your videos’ performance with GUDSHO’s most precise analytics.

Advanced Information

Track followers count, engagement quality, best performing videos, and all possible user activities.

Real-time Analytics

Make instant decisions and improve your marketing strategy with real-time analytics.

Increased ROI

With in-depth data and improved strategy, target your audience well. Have higher returns on your investments.

VOD Performance

A VOD Content that’s scalable, secure, and seamless

Keep your data safe with GUDSHO’s greatest security tools and encryptions.

  • Secure Cloud Storage
    Secure Cloud Storage

    Support for all major video formats such as Mp4, avi, mp3, MPEG-DASH, H.265 codec, and H.264 codec.

  • AES Encryption
    AES Encryption

    Protect your premium video content with encryption like AES and technologies like DRM.

  • Encrypted CDN Delivery
    Encrypted CDN Delivery

    Akamai-powered CDN that stops any interposing while delivering your data with lightspeed.

  • Screenshot Prevention
    Screenshot Prevention

    Restrict people from screen recording or taking snaps of the exclusive content that's being streamed online.

VOD Content

Still, having doubts? Explore the FAQs here

How do I host My Video on GUDSHO?

Is it possible to start VOD streaming on GUDSHO?

How does GUDSHO stand out from other VOD platform providers?

What is the difference between VOD and OTT?

What kind of content can I monetize on GUDSHO?

How can I track my video performance on GUDSHO VOD Platform?

Upload Your Videos Today And Earn Without Any Limits

Easy way to host, manage, monetize & distribute your videos online.


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