Quickstart Chat in iOS Apps Using MirrorFly SDKs

Quickstart Chat in iOS Apps Using MirrorFly SDKs

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Accelerate our Chat SDK integration process in iOS Apps with 150+ features for enhanced 1-to-1 messaging.

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About “Quickstart Chat in iOS Apps Using MirrorFly SDKs”

#In-appchat #Ios #onetoonechat

Initialize 1-to-1 Chat on iOS Apps. Use MirrorFly SDK to scale up to 1B+ conversations at ultra low latency & <100ms response times on iOS Apps.

In this video, 

00: 01 Introducing MirrorFly 

00:10 Overview on integrating chat SDK for iOS app in 20 minutes   

00:46 Briefing basic requirements like SDK license key

1:17 Starting the process of chat SDK integration 

1:22 Complete the pod setup 

2:01 Install pods by executing ‘pod install’command

2:30 Open the XC workspace & add few options to initiate chat

2:38 Disable the bitcode for your project 

3:10 Enable mentioned capabilities into your project 

4:19 Configure the SDK server & data

4:33 Initialize chat SDK 

5:42 Deploy user registration method

8:42 Connect to the Chat Server 

8:50 Observe Connection Events

9:55 Send a one-to-one message

12:41 Receive a one-to-one message 

13:58 Run a simple demo for sending & receiving message

14:43 Execution of sending & receiving message is successful  

To learn more about initiating MirrorFly chat integration using user-friendly chat SDKs, please visit 


Other useful links:

Android Chat SDK: https://www.mirrorfly.com/docs/chat/android/quick-start

iOS Chat SDK: https://www.mirrorfly.com/docs/chat/ios/quick-start

UIKit Android & Java Docs: https://www.mirrorfly.com/docs/UIKit/overview

Voice & Video call sdks: https://www.mirrorfly.com/docs/audio-video/overview

Tech support:https://console.mirrorfly.com/raise-ticket