Get Started with Voice Calling in Angular Web Apps Using MirrorFly SDKs

Get Started with Voice Calling in Angular Web Apps Using MirrorFly SDKs

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Embed quality audio calling functionalities on Angular-powered web apps & amp up real-time audio chat interactions among app users.

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About “Get Started with Voice Calling in Angular Web Apps Using MirrorFly SDKs”

#Voicecall #Webapps #Angular

Leverage the tutorial to initialize voice chat in Angular web apps (*supported browsers) with MirrorFly voice calling SDK as a registered user. Improve real-time audio interactions among app users with feature-rich live voice call integration. Web calling is an effective and cost-efficient means to promote interactions and in simple steps, your users can make noise-free voice calls in the best clarity ever. 

00:49 Get the SDK License Key

01:33 Create new Angular project

01:38 Install MirrorFly call SDK in app terminal with NPM

02:38 Alternate method to integrate using SDK files

03:40 Initialize call SDK

05:06 Register user

05:44 Connect with MirrorFly server

06:43 Make a voice call

09:40 Receive incoming call

10:02 Answer a call

10:29 End a call

11:40 Demo for incoming call

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Telecommunication, Transportation, Healthcare, E-learning, Social & Dating, Fintech & Banking, E-commerce & Marketplace, IT and more. 

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What Is MirrorFly?

MirrorFly is a #1 video, voice and chat SDK provider for mobile and web apps. It has both SaaS and Self-hosted solutions to meet the in-app communication needs of developers and businesses. 

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