Elearning business challenges

Possible Challenges E-Learning Business Owners Face And Ways To Defy Them!

Mediums of education have been transformed tremendously, and elearning platforms have become the new approach. Smartphones and gadgets have replaced notebooks and whiteboards, and learners are more enthusiastic than ever.

As a tutor, it’s time that you start building your online presence and infuse your students with the benefits of e learning. There is a plethora of platforms that let tutors build their elearning channel and earn from it. 

However, like any industry, e-learning is also bound to have challenges that many tutors might experience on their way to building an online presence. So if you are a tutor, wanting to have your e-learning channel, getting a grip on the challenges is necessary in order to succeed.

Today we will list the possible challenges faced by e-learning channel owners and how to overcome them.

Let’s get going-

What Is E Learning In Education? How Does An E-Learning Business Work?

E-learning is about delivering educational material online. This educational material can be related to any subject, for beginners to advanced learners.

To start your own e learning business, you need to opt for a streaming platform that works in the Education niche. Then, by creating an account and uploading the online sessions, courses, or study material, you can have your e-learning channel.

The creator can choose monetization options such as earning from subscriptions, advertisements, rentals, donations, etc. Since different online platforms provide different revenue models, you can choose from the best elearning platforms for business.

After marketing your channel well, you start receiving visitors who want to access the courses or videos. They choose from the available payment methods and pay you accordingly.

This way, using an e-learning business, channel owners can provide study materials online and earn.

5 Steps Toward Starting An ELearning Business

Whether you are a small business owner or a tycoon and want to start your own e-learning business, here are some essential steps to follow in order to succeed.

1) Know Your Possible Viewers

The first and foremost step should be to know your viewers. When you know who you are creating for, you can set the tone of your videos, use the vocabulary, and set other such things.

For example, if your study material is about kindergarten, you would not use vocabulary that kids are unfamiliar with. Similarly, your tone would be different, the examples you give would be different, and the whole approach to teaching would be different.

In other words, creating a buyer’s persona is important to ensure your courses’ and channel’s success.

2) Prepare The Content

Once you know your possible audience, you will have ease while preparing the videos. Creators can make standalone videos or pack a bunch of videos as a course; you can also have a combination of both.

The purpose of creating any course or video should be to address the challenges your audience faces. The study material should be created so that learners can measure their progress and know what they have learned so far.

Think about a specific problem first and then provide your videos or courses to solve the same.

3) Choose An E-Learning Platform

Once you have prepared an outline about the courses you will create, or if you already have a bunch of courses or videos, you can start looking for an ideal e-learning platform.

There are so many best elearning platforms for business that support the education niche. The one you choose depends on the features you expect and the budget you have.

Tutors can consider platforms such as GUDSHO, Coursera, Udacity, Skillshare, Thinkific, Codecademy, etc.

4) Set Your Price

Content quality indeed matters the most. However, the prices you set also determine if you’ll be able to grab the audience. Having either high or low pricing can be problematic; you need to find fair pricing, a midpoint.

For the same, you can explore your competitors and have an idea about their pricing. You might set pricing a little lower than them, but not so lower that your audience questions your content quality.

Tip: To attract your audience, consider giveaways that might inspire people to explore your channel more.

5) Market Your Business

Once you are done with preparing the study material and pricing your courses, it’s time to market your channel. When you market, you let your audience know about your business, and they get to visit your channel.

You can utilize social media channels, implement some SEO strategies, use paid marketing, or hire a digital marketing person.

ELearning Business Challenges And The Ways To Overcome Them

E-learning channel owners get to have conveniences, savings, and earning opportunities; however, there are challenges as well and almost every channel owner struggles with them. Let’s uncover the possible difficulties and their solutions-

1. Excess Competition

The primary challenge that any e-learning channel owner faces is the amount of competition. There are so many e-learning platforms and numerous content providers on one single platform.

In the e-learning industry, people already have their choice of platforms and content providers. This leads to market saturation, where the amount of content producers is already high. This makes a new content creator question their decision to enter such a market since the competition makes it difficult to arise and establish themselves.


  • To win against your competitors, you have to highlight the difference in your content. Check your competitors’ content and think about how you can provide it better and differently.
  • You need to have people who can dive deeper into the marketing aspects of your channel and use creative ways to market it.

2. Digital Illiteracy

Not every student knows how they should use the streaming platform or a particular technology. When students find difficulty in using the platform, it also affects the progress of the tutors. By facing these challenges continuously, your students might become uninterested in exploring your courses.


  • The solution is to choose a streaming platform that is straightforward to use. The platform should be easy to navigate, even for a kid. This way, students can focus on learning from the videos instead of juggling with the platform.

3. Lack Of Motivation

Lack of motivation is another challenge many creators suffer from. This might happen due to different reasons, such as not getting enough viewers, not generating any income, or not being able to see your learners’ progress.


  • To keep up with your student’s progress, you can organize a one-to-one session once in a while. 
  • Teachers can also use their students’ buddies to keep an eye on each other’s progress.

4. Irregular Income

For any content creator or channel owner, revenue generation is the prime factor that motivates them to continue providing the videos. Income is also the factor that demotivates content creators if they do not earn from their channel.


  • You should market your channel well and keep creating quality content. The more you market, the more people become aware of and visit your channel. 
  • Work well on the marketing funnel so you can inspire your visitors to take action.

5. Lack Of Technical Equipment

Recording the videos with high-quality audio and video needs a set of equipment. The absence of the same might lead to video content that is not pleasant enough to watch.

Many creators might not afford to buy technical equipment, and many might not know which equipment to buy exactly. All of this again raises a challenge for a content creator.


  • Initially, you can ask your friends and family and borrow the equipment from them. 
  • There are some shops where you can take the gear on rent so that they can be pocket-friendly.
  • Watch videos of some content creators and get to know how they record their videos.
  • You can also buy some beginner-level equipment instead of investing in expensive pieces.

6. Too Many Distractions

Both teachers and learners can suffer from distractions at home or in the area where they create or stream the videos. Shutting yourself from these distractions might not be possible every time.


  • For recording a video, tutors can choose a time when there is minimal noise or distractions at their place.
  • You can choose a room that receives the least distraction and ask your family to maintain a peaceful environment. 
  • As a tutor, you can keep your students engaged by creating a forum where they can talk about time management, how they remain productive, and other such hacks to share with each other.
  • There are some productivity apps as well that you can try.
Stream your Educational Live Sessions Effortlessly Across 50+ Social Channels!

How Does GUDSHO Help E-Learning Business Owners Achieve Better?

GUDSHO facilitates itself as an e-learning platform and enables tutors to publish educational videos, series, and courses. The following features of GUDSHO help e-learning business owners with their journey and make progress along the way.

(1) Real-Time & On-Demand Streaming

GUDSHO provides both on-demand and live streaming services via which tutors can also upload their videos and live stream the classes. Creators can monetize both categories and earn from every single streaming.

(2) Top-Notch Video CMS

GUDSHO provides a video CMS that efficiently lets tutors manage all the video content in one place. The CMS here remains neatly organized and doesn’t need tutors to have any previous knowledge of using it.

The platform also provides the needed security measures so that all your content remains secure and centralized.

(3) Variety Of Revenue Options

Monetization enables tutors to earn from their videos and make the most of their effort. GUDSHO provides various revenue options such as SVOD, TVOD, and Donations. This lets content creators earn from various revenue streams and maximize their income.

(4) In-Depth Demographics

Video analytics bring what tutors the demographics of their viewers or learners. These demographics are essential to understand your audience better. Using these analytics, you can improvise your marketing strategy and target your audience more effectively. 

(5) New-Age Features

Additionally, GUDSHO serves you with several innovative features like customizable subscriptions, geo-fencing, special screening, auto-generated promos, real-time conversation, real-time donations, and more.


E-learning is going to evolve and be preferred more than traditional learning. However, it’s also important to work with the challenges of e-learning and make things more feasible for yourself and the learners.

This is your time to make a brilliant choice of creating your e-learning channel, and upload, manage, and monetize your videos. Choose a platform with e-learning facilities and take the first needed step.


How do I start an eLearning channel?

Tutors can sign up on an elearning platform and create the channel. You can then start uploading the videos, choosing revenue methods, and marketing your channel.

Is e-learning a growing industry?

According to Global Market Insights, e-learning was valued at over $300 billion in 2022. The numbers are expected to grow at 14% CAGR in the coming years.

How profitable is e-learning?

Tutors can build their online presence via elearning platforms and build themselves additional sources of revenue. They can earn via subscriptions, rentals, donations, and more.

Why invest in eLearning?

Since the whole world has become digital, people are heading toward e-learning platforms over traditional ways of learning. To ensure your growth as a tutor, you need to invest in e-learning.

Is e-learning a good business?

If you are a tutor who wants to earn more and grab more students, e-learning is all you need. Opt for an e-learning platform, create your channel, and start teaching online.


Srinivasan is a Digital Marketer who is passionate about video monetization based solutions and video on demand platform ideas. He believes in spreading the latest tech trends. He is an avid reader and Loves to share views on the latest technologies, tips, and tricks.


  1. Harvey Reply

    This article has very relevant information. It’s difficult to find ways to avoid problems completely in the the e-learning business but one can definitely overcome it following their steps.

  2. Harry Reply

    Superbly written. It’s listed from the perspective of a business owner and the difficulties of starting an E-learning business. Very good solutions . Wonderfully done

  3. Warren Reply

    Some of the biggest challenges when starting an E-learning business is not having a plan in my opinion. But if you need a plan i would recommend reading this article. Its got everything you need to know to avoid making mistakes when creating an e learning business.

  4. Sonia Reply

    Great blog post! This blog provides valuable insights into the challenges faced by eLearning businesses and offers practical tips for overcoming them. Thanks for sharing

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